Jody Shevins, ND, DHANP, CCH

Dr. Jody K. Shevins is a Registered Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Boulder County, Colorado since 1984. Completing her pre-medical studies at Cornell University, she graduated from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Shevins’ central expertise is homeopathy. She is a gifted experienced diagnostician, able to discern the core issues.
Gently guiding people to make salient lifestyle changes where needed, each person’s treatment plan is individualized according to their situation, ability, and goals. Detailed histories, physical exam and lab work are utilized as needed.
“The initial in-depth history provides a brilliant starting place to elucidate what must change in order to get well. Sometimes we need chemical support, nutrients, amino acids or. Sometimes we need to change our behaviors, change how we choose what we do, how we eat, move, sleep, love, work.
A homeopathic interview provides insight, not only to a homeopathic medicine that can allow healing and change but gives direction to the next steps for getting well.
Whether it is refinement of the mind-body connection or surgery, this kind of communication between doctor and patient provides clarity and a platform for resolving our health concerns.
The word doctor comes from the word, docere, meaning teacher. The doctor must teach people how to understand their health concerns and make effective therapeutic decisions. Out of the clinic, Dr. Shevins is a gifted teacher. She has been on the faculty at the Homeopathy School International, taught classes Boulder College, Naropa University as well as numerous classes and seminars for the public in the safe use of homeopathy and natural medicine for children and adults.