Jacques Bouchard, MD

Upon moving to Moscow I started working at Moscow Family Medicine and joined the teaching faculty at the University of Idaho WWAMI program. I enjoy educating young student doctors on clinical skills instruction and helping serve students as a mentor. Sharing my passion for medicine and direct primary care has been rewarding.
Over time, working in a traditional fee-for-service clinics I started to feel less committed to the vocation of medicine. My practice was heavily influenced by “third parties” and regulations that in theory should help but end up hindering the type of care I was able to provide for my patients. High patients loads and coding requirements set in place by administrators and insurance companies limited time I could dedicate to what I felt was most important. I value compassion, connection and open communication and I knew there had to be a better way.
I opened Link Family Medicine to remove the middlemen and be able to make decisions that matter to the people I serve: my patients. I feel liberated and I have a new lease on my practice of medicine after stepping out of the system. I look forward to changing how my patients interact with medicine and enjoy having more time to focus on things that also matter the most to me: Katie, Evie, Mina, and Lulie.