Alexis Kochevar, PA-C

I was born and raised in Longmont, Colorado. I attended Colorado State University for undergrad and attended PA school in Chicago. Outside of vacations, I have only left our beautiful state long enough to live in Mexico for a couple months to study Spanish and then Chicago for PA school.
I have been practicing Family Medicine for nearly 20 years. I have a passion for preventive medicine, so I love to focus on nutrition, fitness and lifestyle to form a solid foundation of health in my patients. Throughout my years in practice I have been fortunate to work in a small practice that always focused on patient care over profit, and now when it seems corporate medicine and insurance is taking over, I am thrilled to join the Strive team where the focus is on patients and getting back to what Primary Care should look like.
My husband Casey and I have two beautiful teenagers, Riley and Cole, and we spend our free time skiing as a family, although I can hardly keep up these days, and watching our kids excel in their many extracurricular activities.