LeeSanne G.
Arvada, Colorado
I first became a member of Nextera through my work at a digital technology company, which covered 100 percent of the cost. When the company downsized and I was laid off, my husband and I decided to continue the Nextera membership at our own expense.
We had so much trouble with primary care physicians in the past. Getting an appointment was difficult and inconvenient. Although it was time-consuming, we didn’t get the time and attention we wanted; we often felt pushed out the door. When I developed a minor medical condition, I was subjected to a lot of unnecessary tests.
At Nextera, we get what we need when we need it. We can communicate with our doctor via telephone or the app. We can get care when we’re on vacation. When I got sick in Hawaii and had to miss a prepaid scuba dive, Nextera provided the doctor’s note I needed to get a refund within an hour. On another occasion, I came down with the flu. I was able to send a text and get a prescription for Tamiflu. That never would have happened with our previous primary care physician.
As a result, we go to the doctor more often. We would ignore minor things with our previous primary care practice because getting an appointment took so long. When we call to make an appointment at Nextera, we can be seen within the same week. I probably talk too much while I’m there, but I never feel rushed. Our old HMO made us feel like they only were concerned about the insurance companies. Everyone at Nextera is clearly concerned about their patients.
Dr. Flanagan has been our savior. Nextera is a new way of practicing medicine that I appreciate on a very personal level.