Timothy Hascall
Greenwood Village, CO
Nextera member since 2016
Initially, I received my Nextera membership as a benefit of working at a high technology company that builds and operates space satellites. Nextera physicians visited our company headquarters in Colorado every week; employees could get care without leaving work and/or after hours through access to an online application. As chief operations officer at the time, I appreciated the positive effect it had on employee well-being, engagement and productivity.
When I retired earlier this year, I continued my Nextera membership at my own expense, even though I don’t live very close to any of their office locations. I’m doing it because of the highly personalized style of care provision and Nextera’s holistic approach to wellness.
I really like the way Nextera operates—for example, providing apps that members can use to communicate with their doctor during or after work hours. I can exchange texts securely to provide a list of my symptoms, and the doctor can diagnose the problem and treat it promptly. I can make appointments online or by phone and can usually get an appointment within 48 hours.
However, the main reason I’m keeping my membership is because of the relationship I have formed with my Nextera physician, Dr. Clint Flanagan, and the level of care he has provided over the past three years. I have never had an appointment with Dr. Flanagan where I was rushed through the process or left with unanswered questions. He takes a holistic approach and is genuinely interested in me as a whole person. We discuss diet, exercise, holistic solutions—a whole package of care wrapped around the initial discussion point. The only other doctor in my lifetime who provided a similar level of care was the small-town doctor in the farming community in Nebraska where I grew up. The same level of care pervades the entire Nextera practice.